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Motivational speaking

Bjørn and Ashli do numerous of different types of motivational speeches. With their very unique story to success they have developed many different skills along the way. With their infectious personalities, you are guaranteed to be inspired and motivated to continue in your next goals in life.
Contact them to hear more about how they can individualize the perfect event for you.


Team Building

Bjørn and Ashli have throughout their long & successful sports career developed numerous skills and interesting ways to improve communication, trust, overcoming fears, pushing boundaries, working together, goal setting and keeping motivation. There are a lot of different types of events that could be adjusted to fit exactly what you are looking for.
Contact us to hear more about how we can individualize the perfect event for you.


HR Events, Christmas Parties, Summer parties

Everyone knows that having great parties helps the company and employees to be more productive throughout the year. Let Bjorn and Ashli tailor an event directly for your company to give your employees something they we be speaking about for years to come.
Contact us to hear more about how we can individualize the perfect event for you.


Book a lesson

Ever wanted to try to be taught by a 10 times World Champion? Here’s your chance. Book a session with either Bjorn or Ashli for yourself or a loved one.
Contact them to hear more about how they can individualise the perfect lesson for you.
Book entertainment for your event:
Having a party, birthday or anything else? Book Bjorn and Ashli for a show or get the party started by them coming and teaching for a short time to get people on the dance floor.
Getting Married? Do you want to be able to produce an impressive first dance? Whether you choose the traditional waltz or the very popular new customized wedding dances where you can choose your own song and impress your guests with an amazing start to your marriage.
Are you the Best man, Best Lady? Book part of the bachelor/ette party by adding some extra fun. We can teach in any style requested. From 70’s disco, traditional standard and Latin to Hip hop. Add an unforgettable experience to your best friends memories.
Contact us to hear more about how we can individualise the perfect party for you.

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